Artist Paul Chase


Paul with a “to be” stone creation


The joy of a marble quarry

in progress


Artist Paul Chase collects and selects stones for carving into symbols of music, song and dance. The classic marble is from locations all over the country. One of the big questions he must ask - “What does the back side of a treble clef look like?” This question has be asked by musicians and artist for hundreds of years. Each sculpture “sings a new song” of design. Each carving must follow the dictate of the stone. Each stone is a symphony of textures and colors.


“ChamplainTrebleClef” - 10x4x6” - Champlain Vermont Marble - in private collection


Artist Paul Chase chipping away to the sounds of music

“Music in the Pink” - 15x5x5” - Tennessee marble - in private collection


Demisemiquaver - 32 nd red note - 4x4x17 - Tennessee Red Marble - $200


Red Marble Music


“Heavy Rest” - 8x3x21” - White/Gray Marble - $500


Stone Guitar Players collection


“Tall Stone Treble” - 5x7x22” - grey/white marble - $1000


“Pink Splashed eighth Noe” -11x8x4” - Tennessee pink marble - $300

“Arabesque” - Red cedar Tennessee Marble - 14x8x4” - in private collection


the symphony


“Adagio Treble” - 6x6x20” - White/grey marble - $2000


“Triple Red Eights” - 7x6x9” - Red marble on white marble base - $200

“RedStoneHeadstock” - 10x5x5” - Tennessee Marble- in private collection

“Gray N Black treble clef” - 14x5x4” - Vermont Champlain Black Marble - $500


“The Dancer” - 20x6x6” - White Marble - $5000


“Reverse Red Eighth Note” - 8x15x4” - Tennessee Red Cedar Marble

“StoneElectricRiff” - 18x20x8” - Arizona Marble - in private collection


“Red Cedar Treble Clef” - 18x6x5” - Tennessee Marble - $1000

“Black Hollow 8th” - 14x6x5” - Vermont Champlain Black Marble - in private collection


Rose Crystal Treble Clef - 15x8x6” - South Dakota Black Hills rose crystal - $1000


”Tremolo Flying Eighth” - 17x6x5” - Arizona Marble with soapstone base - $500


“WhiteGray8th” - 11x5x4” - Arizona Marble - In private collection


“EbontTwistsTreble” - 15x5x5” - Vermont Champlain Black marble - in private collection


“TallTumblingNotes” - 26x6x6” - marble layers with turquoise stone - $1000

“StoneGuitarGuy” - 12x10x19” - White and gray marble - $2000


“Double Treble” - 20x6x5” - Gray Marble - in private collection

“Ten String grip” - 6x6x14” - gray marble and guitar headstock - in private collection


“FastEight” - 8x7x6” - white marble - $200


“Troubled Treble” - 6x6x17” - white/gray marble - in private collection


“EbonyEightExpression” - 10x4x5” - Vermont Champlain Marble - $300


“SoundSymbol” - 4x4x9” - Gray Marble - 12x6x5” - $300


“Red Stone Eight Notes” - 8x4x3” - Tennessee Marble - in private collection